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特种教师 第1374章 下跪







6 金牌会员
发表于 2016-4-16 19:55:45 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |正序浏览 |阅读模式
特种教师  第1374章 下跪  
“年轻人不用这么谦虚,我老张虽老可是不糊涂,刚才游离之际我也听到他们的哭声了,我能活过來全靠你,我张万宏欠你一条命。”说着,张老头便要起身下床给叶皇下拜,这一下却是把叶皇三人都吓了个不轻。“我说,老张至于你这样嘛……”“爸,你这是。”“张爷爷,使不得,使不得,您这是要折我叶皇的寿啊。”急忙冲上前去的叶皇一把搀扶住老人,也是被老人这番动作惊出了一身冷汗來。这要是真掰下來了,就算是张家记着自己的救命之情,恐怕也不可能真正的交往了。情分算是情分,沒有其他东西掺杂了。“张老头,你感恩归感恩,你这要真跪下了,叶皇在燕京城可就混不下去了,你这老头好歹毒的心啊。”旁边,唐老爷子半开玩笑的说道。说实话,连他自己都被张老头这一下子给吓的不轻。知道这老头子直脾气,沒想到也会犯糊涂。“滚蛋,老子是感激,一时忘记辈分了。”一摆手,张万宏骂了自己这老战友一句,也醒悟过來,这样拜下去的确很不妥、。“张爷爷,要说救命恩人,这我可不敢当,要不是下午唐爷爷说张爷爷您病重,我还不知道这回事呢,要说救您命的,是唐爷爷的全能奇才  第1517章 小有斩获!武道至尊  第六百九十四章 药王门全能奇才  第2792章 全面压制!功劳,我只不过跑了个腿。”叶皇笑着把唐解元抬了出來,这救人的事情本武道至尊  第一百六十七章 探路就有唐老爷子的份儿,他一个小辈可是不敢贪功。再说了,这事情就算自己把所有功劳都贵在唐解元身上,张家也明白真正救人的是谁。这种情况下,叶皇倒是也乐意去做这出力又讨好的事情。“孩全能奇才  第158章 未来女大厨子,你也不用推辞了,我老头子心里亮堂的很,唐老头,咱俩是一个炮坑里活下來的老战友,感谢的话我也就不说了,说了生分,今天这救命的事,我张万宏记下了,以后有事,只要招呼一生,用得着我的,我也不含糊。”“嘿……你这老头,不死过一次还真不觉悟啊,行,你这话我记住了,有事情我肯定找你这老头子,对了,以后下棋不许悔棋。”“滚蛋,都他娘的这么多年了,你还记着呢。”张万宏笑骂了一句道。旁边见张万宏老爷子和唐爷爷两人相谈甚欢,脸上也是露出笑容。在路上的时候,唐老爷子跟自己说过,他跟这张万宏虽然是战友,不过自从都退下來之后,相处的时间并不多,两家交往也不算多么频繁。在燕京许多事情唐解元插手,张老也沒站出來表示过支持。如今张老头这么发话了,就说明张老头选择了站在唐解元这个阵营一侧,今天救人算是有了回报。其实叶皇也清楚,之所以张老头一直沒选择站队,很大一部分原因是不想惹祸上身之武道至尊  第三百七十二章 各方反应全能奇才  第380章 杀手之王——真正的终极任务!外,也有一部分出于北堂家族的考虑。自己是北堂家主的老丈人,自己站队了,很多人就会猜想是不是站在几位首长身后的北堂家族也要站队了。为了不引人猜忌,这些年作为老战友的张万宏只全能奇才  第2946章 引祸!是看着唐解元老爷子在一些事情上折腾,而沒有插手,即便是帮忙也是出于个人的名义,而不牵扯家族。“能不记住吗,那次可是堵得二两大红袍,你可是让老子赔了二两大红袍,我能不记着吗。”唐解元说话声音也大,整个屋子两人如同对吼一般。屋外,一些还不明白情况的人都是面面相觑,里面到底怎么了。怎么听着有张老爷子的声音,既然沒去逝,刚才这些人哭什么。一个个疑问旋绕在众人脑海之中,不得其解。而张家的晚辈们站在门口却一个个泪痕擦干脸上露出了激动的笑容,本以为老爷子沒救了,沒想到真的活了。这听着跟唐老说话的声音,简直中气十足,根本不像是将死之人。“你个老贪货,不就是二两大红袍吗,今年上面批给老子的,我全给你就是,小气鬼。”“嘿……小气鬼,老子要是小气就不让叶皇过來了,你现在估计都要在八宝山了。”唐解元一瞪眼反驳道。被自己老战友这么一说,张万宏还真不好说什么。怎么说这老东西也说的实话,要不是这老头子去而复返带來了救命的叶皇,自己可不是要入住八宝山了,估计晚上新闻联播都要发讣告了。“爸,外面人都还等着呢,要不要传个消息给他们、此刻的张泽天也是一脸的欣喜,老爷子活过來了,对于张家具有的意义实在是太过重大了。“成吧,你出去说一下行了,就说我有些累,就不一一见面了,等过段时间再让他们來就是。”摆了摆手,张万宏此刻倒也真沒见外面那些徒子徒孙的兴趣就让自己儿子去打发了。听到老爷子的话,张泽天点点头,赶忙的推门走了出去。沒个一分钟,一阵欢呼声便是在院落里响了起來。“张老头,看不出來你这老东西还有不少徒子徒孙惦记你啊。”“哼,都想着我不死可以给他们压压阵,想往上再爬一爬的,真的出于真心的,估计沒几个,算了,不说这些了,小叶啊,我这身病可是连疗养院这些人都沒办法,你是怎么治疗好的,我真是好奇啊。”自己身体什么样,张万宏清楚,几乎就到了回天乏术的地步,这叶皇却是把自己愣是从鬼门关上拉回來,着实不容易。“呵呵,也沒什么,张爷爷身体上的伤和唐爷爷差不多,都是以前留下的枪伤和刀伤,相对而言,您更重一些,这些旧疾,普通的药物是治疗不了的,我是用真气外加外部银针刺激您身体机能重新恢复的法子治疗的。”“您别看现在好似已经好了,其实还需要后期调养才行。”“这个我也清楚,病來如山倒病去如抽丝嘛,这个道理我懂,那么说以后还要劳烦小叶你了。”面带着微笑,张万宏道。“应当的,正好我也要给唐爷爷调理身子,就各十天半个月过來一次,加上药物治疗,估计半年就能康复,对了,张爷爷,我劝您还是搬出去住吧,这地方不适合您。”叶皇说着又多说了一句话,

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2 注册会员
发表于 2016-4-22 02:21:29 | 只看该作者

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3 中级会员
发表于 2016-4-21 18:42:45 | 只看该作者

Cherish all the love around you

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3 中级会员
发表于 2016-4-21 18:09:59 | 只看该作者

Continuous soil - the article writing network

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I do not know when the mosquito net in two mosquitoes, is very thin, didn't have the heart to beat her, also didn't bother her, afraid she bit me, with cool tegmentum is very strict, hate is she flew in my ear, buzzing, no way, had to reveal a leg to her and finally quiet down.
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3 中级会员
发表于 2016-4-21 13:05:56 | 只看该作者

Hunan Xiangxiang reported a man died in the parkin

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< p > microblogging users post on January 27 said turn Xiangxiang town calamus Tang Jie a supermarket owner Cheng Shufang. Due to the operation of fireworks and firecrackers was (turning) Zhen'an supervision station staff to do the certificate in the name of "extortion". Net transfer of "real name to report" showed that, fan Jiang Zhen An supervision station stationmaster, law enforcement team captain he Moumou had to find Cheng Shufang "money rub,wholesale mac makeup, rub rice, rub smoke, rub red" (Note: rubbing should be as summarized, referring to cheat, to) and report human "Cheng Shufang" (by hand), time is on 25 January 2016. However,scarpe hogan outlet, the contents of the report did not get the contents of the local official confirmed.
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< p > Xiangxiang municipal Party Committee Propaganda Department bulletin said, January 27,tn requin pas cher, at about 14, turn Xiangxiang calamus town village villagers Cheng Shufang (male, 33 years old) non normal death. According to understand, 12 noon the same day 40 points,hogan outlet online, Fu Guoying (Cheng Shufang wife found Park Cheng Shufang vehicles in turning town government, and feel Shu Fang in the car abnormal physical condition. After hearing the news, the town cadres immediately organized fan Jiang hospital rescue,lunettes ray ban pas cher, transferred to the Municipal People's Hospital on the way, found Cheng Shufang no signs of life. Then,air max baratas, the family and relatives and friends rushed to the town government to discuss the statement.
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I do not know when the mosquito net in two mosquitoes, is very thin, didn't have the heart to beat her, also didn't bother her, afraid she bit me, with cool tegmentum is very strict, hate is she flew in my ear, buzzing, no way, had to reveal a leg to her and finally quiet down.
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3 中级会员
发表于 2016-4-21 03:43:31 | 只看该作者

China CDC the end of next year, there should be a

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Wang Yu: now, we do not know some of the components of haze too clear. As we have mastered the situation, it is the first to affect the heart, it is more likely to lead to cardiovascular disease. It is precisely because of this, there is a haze led to an increase in the case of acute heart disease. In addition, the fog and haze also led to increased respiratory disease,hogan outlet, the mortality rate will increase.
CPPCC National Committee, the Chinese Center for Disease Control Director
previously, China has never done a systematic study in this area, so now a lot of data are not. What was the case last year, a few months ago,golden goose saldi, it was not clear. For example, a tumor case, how much correlation with the haze, and how much is related to smoking, which is a very complex thing. Be in one >
BYD: Huang Jiefu said that wearing masks are more psychological comfort. In the face of haze, people can do it?
is the layout of the 11 cities to monitor, which is the most basic scale. Like the amount of blood pressure, is a very basic work.
Wang Yu: in the strong fog and haze, to reduce outdoor activities. In addition, there is no other way.
< p > why monitoring? Is it because of the haze rule to prioritize what haze factors is harmful to human health as a priority management.
dialogue man: Wang Yu
Wang Yu: from the second half of last year began, last for at least two years. If it goes well,scarpe hogan outlet, there should be a result at the end of next year.
BYD: effects of haze on health, China began a special study on this aspect of
BYD: how is
Wang Yu: No, it's not possible. This is a long-term, systematic project.
haze will affect the
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3 中级会员
发表于 2016-4-21 02:50:51 | 只看该作者

Cute little white rabbit _1115

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Cute little white rabbit
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< p > once, because home cabbage is not much, I want to make in vain to eat slowly, put cabbage feeding the white lips, may be too hungry, it accidentally put my hand to bite. Grandpa angrily put in vain to kill, rabbit meat becomes the delicacies on the table, I am so sad I can't eat any more, until now, I still miss lovely white.
I like nothing very much. I am responsible for all the meals in vain. At each meal time is white the most happy when Hou, every time I will give nothing to eat the best meal I put meals end to it, it will be happy to jump up,goyard pas cher, like a few days did not eat like, greedy saliva are from the side of the mouth flow out, seeing vain Jinjin flavor to eat food, my heart music bloom! I have already been well nourished!
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3 中级会员
发表于 2016-4-21 00:33:00 | 只看该作者

Two rich generation on behalf of Liu Yonghao's dau

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Liu Chang and his mother Li Wei are new hope group director. (Oriental IC/ map)
Chinese business "two rich generation" representatives,gafas ray ban outlet, "80" Liu Changzheng to the stage of new hope group. Although the overseas, but she never a sheltered girl, parents for her escort and even help her "custom" life on the road.
topic is not long ago, the printing of attention focus of people -- Lu Xingyu, Lu is "global Chinese future leaders club secretary general,chaussure tn pas cher, Liu Chang is chairman of the" rich second generation club ". In many club activities, these two young girls often stand together. < br / > compared to Roh Sung Woo's father,hogan outlet, Lu Junqing,goyard prix, Liu Yonghao Liu Chang's father and brothers early in 1995 becomes on the Forbes rich list "the richest man in China", the family enterprises hope group is wound up,golden goose sito ufficiale, China's biggest privately owned enterprises. 5 years later, they won the "richest man again".

  "read a master,sac michael kors pas cher, to the home a confessed" < br / > in 1995 into the richest man, Liu Yonghao brothers ordinary Santana,tn pas cher, plain dress is often described as "like a rich man". Liu Chang was described as wearing a mini skirt, love pizza, fried chicken and hamburgers,tn pas cher, little girl,hogan outlet, is an American consumer culture changed little girl.
transferred to a town in Seattle girls' school,mont blanc meisterstuck stylo, Liu Chang began to feel "very boring" received letter from domestic students as she was the most happy thing. She wanted to return home,chaussure tn pas cher, and produced the first conflict with his father. Liu Yonghao in the final compromise, but the condition is not Liu Chang back to him -- he is worried that her daughter would be fun. He let Liu Chang choose a city between Beijing and Shanghai, Liu.
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3 中级会员
发表于 2016-4-19 18:38:54 | 只看该作者

Gao Cun, Wenshang County wide Yuan Zhuang Zhen, th

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When grown into a big tree, other people think that small seeds, and some people are enjoying the cool shade brought. Some people always like to, behind the wonderful blind to read in with trifles. How many years they have enough to spend, how much is the best way to miss?
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3 中级会员
发表于 2016-4-19 16:29:33 | 只看该作者

by the end of this year, 46 small players will go

8 late last month, 3 small players have gone to France for a year of training
Director of Youth Football Association Sun Zhedong introduced the
in March this year, Verdi has said it will reach an agreement with the Spanish club of Barcelona, this year sent about 40 small players to Spain Catalonia regional training. In early August, while the Barcelona club's visit, football association and the Spanish region of Catalonia Football Federation (local Barcelona and the Spanish two first grade teams) in Beijing juvenile training project cooperation agreement was signed.
Chinese football reproduction Liuyang tide: 46 boys will go to Spain
< p > yesterday, foot tube center director of the neve rate more than the football association officials went to the Europe,golden goose sneakers, will visit France, Spain, Germany and other football powers, local and some good training for youth club to sign a cooperation agreement, the next year selected on hundreds of small players to Europe for training, Chinese football will once again set off a tide of "Liuyang Doll".
8 in late April, football association is selected the Hangzhou Greentown Pengfei, Chengdu City, the Football Association, Zhang, Shandong Luneng Binbin, three small players, sent to France FC Metz (method B) a year of training. They were selected by the club after careful selection of metz. It is reported that football association are the preferred Metz (France), one is football association has not yet been to "Catalan" project site visits, second,nike tn pas cher, mace and Chengdu City,hogan rebel outlet, the football association has been working for 8 years, the good bilateral relations,chaussure jordan pas cher, Chengdu City football player Wong Chut, Ge Tang are currently at Metz,hogan sito ufficiale, and team effectiveness,golden goose uomo saldi, Wong Chut even got the French Football Federation of primary coaches certificate, can take 12 to 15 years of age in the player's training. FC Metz and Chengdu City, the football association had in 2007 signed cooperation agreement, Metz will Chengdu as a training base in China, club every year to send technical personnel went to Chengdu,hogan sito ufficiale, the two sides exchanged teams each three players to go to the training of Metz, and so on. The Football Association sent 3 young is due to the agreement.
by the end of this year, 46 small players will go to Spain to study for three years
selection process of small players to reporters< p > from the end of June, Football Association held a by the U-15 and U-17 football talents mainly in the pre draft camp, for a period of nearly two months, China expert group to pass a physical fitness test and team competition preliminary screening, delineation of more than 400 players. Stay back to Wei Di, this group of players will concentrate in the Xianghe base, by FC Barcelona scouts selected eventually went to Spain to study 3 years of players. Sun Zhedong said: "the final number of players to be sent to Spain remains to be determined, the Chinese Football Association's attitude is to send about 46 young players, to ensure that each position can have 3 or so candidates. But if Barcelona scouts only pick a 30 people,hogan outlet, we will fully respect each other's opinions, the final candidate who is completely by the Spanish side to decide. "
is to prevent black box operation, eliminate the overage players fish in troubled waters. "The young player to go to Spain to study the age must not be false, lead >
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After watching the game, I think it is a pity. Although football is not if, but I still want to say, if we first 3 games competition to take two points rather than losing 3 games, now the situation will quite good, the Chinese team without prior almost lost a chance to qualify.
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3 中级会员
发表于 2016-4-19 10:51:14 | 只看该作者

The training of national security chiefs to the go

Beijing News (reporter Fang Liang) yesterday,chaussure nike tn, the national security training in the field. Due to the recent downturn in the state,hogan roma outlet, a high-level national security watch training, to understand the situation. For the recent performance,hogan sito ufficiale, a team that is injured disease impact,hogan interactive outlet, two intensive schedule, we are very tired.
< p > at the end of the training, veteran Zhou Ting said the team's recent injuries more, but the league is still very long,hogan sito ufficiale, the outside world should keep faith in the team. "After all, the League lost only a, the AFC is. I think we should take a calm attitude." When it comes to the next game, the foreign aid river said, still have confidence in the national security.
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yesterday morning,hogan sito ufficiale, the players are in good condition. However, Xu Yunlong and Jin Pengxiang and other wounded still did not appear in the training ground. 5 games, so that the national security up and down. Yesterday, the club honorary chairman and general manager Luo Ning came to the climax of "governor training field". Also personally asked Rhonin health team. The training is the main content of the drill attack, because in the recent competition, offensive efficiency is not high.
0 than 3 lost to Shandong Luneng,hogan outlet, back from Ji'nan that night, Beijing under a heavy rain,hogan sito ufficiale, but coach Manzano did not cancel the training. The team will be ready, man handsome with all of a game replay. After the rain, the whole team in the field training. The day before yesterday, the players reflect too tired, the coaching staff to a day off.
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After watching the game, I think it is a pity. Although football is not if, but I still want to say, if we first 3 games competition to take two points rather than losing 3 games, now the situation will quite good, the Chinese team without prior almost lost a chance to qualify.
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