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特种教师 第588章 麻烦上门







6 金牌会员
发表于 2016-4-16 20:04:28 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
特种教师  第588章 麻烦上门  
柯小语心中很清楚,这世上很多事情不是你有心无心别人就可以原谅你的,哦时候无心之失总会造成比有心去做更大的过错。对于叶皇和秦月的分手,叶皇即便是不责怪她,武道至尊  第一百二十章 混沌种子柯小语心中也难以原谅自己。离开篮球场之后,叶皇漫无目的的在校园里走了一阵,而就在这时候电话却是突然响了起来。发现是雨墨打过来的不由的眉头一皱,接听过去。“喂,雨墨,有什么事情吗.nylqt.com”“叶大哥,你在哪里啊.nylqt.com这里出事了,全能奇才  第1540章 三眼蝰蛇!你赶紧过来。”对面,林雨墨声音很是急促的说道,听她那武道至尊  第四百九十章 仇人相见般说快要哭出来一般。武道至尊  第四十六章 离开清风城而听得林雨墨这话的叶皇眉头立时皱了起来。他第一时间想到的便是宋远明肯定又发难了。“雨墨,你别急,到底发生什么事情了.nylqt.com你跟我说清楚。”见后者着急,叶皇连忙说道。“咱们的火锅店被人给堵了,现在他们要砸店,燕姐正在下面阻止他们,你快来。”说话间,林雨墨声音已经带上了哭腔。“好了,我知道了,雨墨,你跟燕姐说我马上到。”说完话,叶皇直接挂掉电话,然后便是反身向着不远处停在篮球场上的兰博基尼而去。一边跑着,叶皇随即又拨通了黄泉总部的电话。“大哥.nylqt.com啥事.nylqt.com”对面接电话的是和尚,后者问道。“和尚,带几十号人到渝城大学旁边的客来居火锅店,老子的女人被人堵了。”说完,便是直接挂掉,然后直接冲上了车,发动车子一个漂亮的甩尾然后在周围学生的惊叹之中,冲出了学校后门。在雨墨说出有人要砸店这件事情,叶皇便是更加笃定了这后面下手的人是谁。整个渝城除了宋远明这杂碎之外,江燕根本还其他人没有多大的深仇大恨。即便是有一些过节,也犯不着闹出这种要全能奇才  第2813章 巨坑!砸店的场景来。至于渝城黑道上混的,现在估计都知道了叶皇自己的名号,敢对自己女人动手的,除了想撕破脸皮的恐怕没几个。“宋远明啊,宋远明,你他娘的还算是个男人.nylqt.com用这中下三滥的手段,老子逮着你不玩残你!”叶皇眼神犀利,带着一抹仇恨,车子直接飙到两百码近乎横冲直撞的赶到了客来居门前。还没到客来居近前,叶皇便是看到门前听了三四辆金杯,看样子这次宋远明弄来的人不在少数。将车子在路边一停,叶皇直接下车冲了进去。还没到门前,便是听到了江燕和对方对质的声音。“这位先生,我已经重复过了,我们的火锅绝对没有问题,配料中根本就没有任何添加剂,您说您吃出添加剂,这不是笑话吗.nylqt.com您若是在无理取闹,我就要报警了。”“我无武道至尊  第六白三十六章 内有隐情?理取闹.nylqt.com兄弟们,这三八说我无理取闹,老子吃出添加剂了,还吃出耗资来,你说我无理取闹!”后者一拍桌子脸色狰狞蛮横的说道。“我告诉你,臭三八,今天要么赔钱,要么让老子把馆子砸了,两条路你自己选,别以为报警老子就怕你。”“老子不是在渝城第一天混了,还怕你这两下子。今天事情要不给我弄明白咯,老子天天来砸,我倒要看看是你们耐姓大,还是我二刀子耐姓大!”后者的声音隔着几十米都是听的清清楚楚。站在这叫做二刀子的混肉汉子对面的江燕被气的全身直哆嗦。她怎么也没想到事情一波接一波没完没了的来。自己这刚把客来居装饰一新重新营业,这就有人上门搔扰,有后脑勺想都知道是有人故意为难自己。而这个人是谁,江燕心里非常清楚。宋远明,这个害死自己前夫,现在又想来害自己的混蛋!看着那边蛮不讲理的二刀子,江燕此刻有些心力交瘁的味道。若不是身后有叶皇支撑自己,她这有想要放弃的念头。众所周知,做服务业的最在乎的便是口碑,原本客来居在之前口碑一直很好,生意红火。但是现在被宋远明,三番五次的派人搅合已经是冷情了许多。再这样下去,恐怕只有关门大吉了。叶皇下车之后并没有直接进去,看到并没有动手便是走到门口不远处停了下来,然后寻了一处地方蹲下吸了口烟,等待着和尚他们过来。吸完两颗烟之后,叶皇的电话响起。接通之后,叶皇让和尚带人先在外面等着,然后自己又给雨墨打了个电话,让她带江燕先上楼,并且通知服务员躲远一些。昨晚这一切之后,叶皇这才起身向着外面走去,路口处,整整七车人全部已经下来,手里都是拎着家伙。正在那里吸烟的和尚见叶皇过来连忙迎了上去。“公子,人都带来了。您看怎么动手.nylqt.com”叶皇点了点头走到人武道至尊  第三百二十六章 自寻死路!前对着这一群弟兄说道。“今天让弟兄们过来不是为了抢地盘,是老子女人被人欺负了,老子的火锅店要被人砸了,今天是让兄弟们帮忙教训一群杂碎。”“过会进去之后,我不希望看着他们有一个站着的,明白吗.nylqt.com”“明白!”“走。”见众人答应,叶皇扔掉烟头,从旁边和尚手里接过一把铁棍便是向着不远处的客来居而去。路边人见一群人这样气势汹汹的向着客来居而来全部都是惊吓的躲闪开。二刀子带来的人,远远的看着一群人过来,便是迎上去想要问问情况。结果话还没说出来便是被叶皇旁边的几人抡在了地上一顿狂揍。屋内,二刀子看着那江燕突然带人离去原本以为是过去拿钱给自己,正想着拿到钱就开砸。却是忽然听到了后面的惨叫声。随即转头看去,便是差一点吓破了胆,眼看着黑压压的上百号人直武神空间  第七百五十一章 有仇报仇接向着自己几十号人扑了过来。犹如一群恶狼一般,见人就打。自己这边几十号人虽然奋起反扑却是根本不是对手,一会的功夫便是倒下去了五份之三,而对方却是没有一个倒下去。

   特种教师  第1655章 把我当成吃软饭的了  
   帝玄天  第九百八十二章 混战(二十)
   特种教师  第2583章 毁天灭地  
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3 中级会员
发表于 2016-4-17 02:29:53 | 只看该作者


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Today, after my grandmother died many years ago, the miss and memory and how is full of my heart. If I could have a little grandmother's blood in my body, it would be a lucky thing to do. Great grandmother and deep eyes, there is always a country woman less some peaceful and noble; her beautiful face even in the last years still has a beautiful profile.
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3 中级会员
发表于 2016-4-17 11:37:56 | 只看该作者

Where life does not meet _0

Where not to meet in life
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Because of this, the imperial court transferred him to the central government from being the perfect of the Donghai Prefectu Re to being a commander in charge of the appointment and dismissal of the local officials.
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3 中级会员
发表于 2016-4-18 06:13:12 | 只看该作者


wrote so many things, but today just understand, what is not. Just understand why dare see your eyes, to understand why and you speak summary stammering, maybe just because timid heart away. I began to understand why know drunk drunk heart, still picked up the glass. The story is perfect, there is no ending. Some things are not thrown away, even if,louboutin pas cher, you can put away the memories of it? Can you throw everything away? Is that I was sick,scarpe hogan outlet, or ill, love is the most terrible in this world I have incurable illness. It's too late to say anything. It's too late. They do not live up to expectations, don't trouble to others,chaussure jordan pas cher, so I've never really to love a person, I am afraid trouble to others, because I fell in love with a love of the people. So I will make myself drunk every day. Time is so unable to turn round,golden goose scarpe donna, it is to have a box,converse blanche, let me go back to that time,supra pas cher, I tell you I love you. But no, make a cup of regular coffee, do not know whether there will be a latte taste. Perhaps the heart lost everything becomes insipid, always stand in front of the mirror, tell your own damn, but say what all too late. Listen to the most sad song, looking at the most moving life, quietly without a word. Afraid,hogan outlet, I put my lost heart. When you want to, in the arm left one after another tooth India,goyard pas cher, pain? No, missing a person is a painful thing, no relationship. It's my own affair, and it's not about anyone else.
(Editor: juelian red)
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Today, after my grandmother died many years ago, the miss and memory and how is full of my heart. If I could have a little grandmother's blood in my body, it would be a lucky thing to do. Great grandmother and deep eyes, there is always a country woman less some peaceful and noble; her beautiful face even in the last years still has a beautiful profile.
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